Mill Wood is a Rococo garden in Somerset which has become overgrown and neglected. This illustrative map was sold as a limted print in attempt to gather funding for 'The Halswell Trust' to restore the gardens to its former glory.
A map of Irelands music festival.
A map commissioned by Bristols 'Ernest journal' to show the treacherous journey Mawson took in 1912.
Mill Wood is a Rococo garden in Somerset which has become overgrown and neglected. This illustrative map was sold as a limted print in attempt to gather funding for 'The Halswell Trust' to restore the gardens to its former glory.
Graphic Design and Branding,
See examples of previous design commissions below.
Blues Property Ltd asked me for an illustration of a proposed block of flats, working from an architects design I made this artists impression to help push forward their proposal.
Tabloid design
A recent commission from White Ribbon required me to design a mock tabloid to hand out at the recent United Nations General Assembly.
Now the majority of my commissions come from illustrating maps. Producing maps for old historic sites (Mill Wood), festivals (Westport), editorial maps (Mawsons Expedition) and my own beskpoke map company 'Whereabouts Maps'.
Some examples of recent infographics I made for 'Ernest Journal'. Showing how some of mans most ingenius contraptions work when you dissect them down to there simplest components.
A poster for the infamous 'Old Duke' Jazz festival.
Logo for a carpenters company.
Phil Kings European tour dates and advertising.
A poster for the infamous 'Old Duke' Jazz festival.
Posters & Flyers
A selection of posters and business cards I have done, often inspired for my love of letterpress.